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Honey lives with an MBF sister in a Guardian home in
Waldoboro, mid coast Maine.
I am so excited to have this special girl, she is perfect.
Honey can just melt you with her gentle expression and
kind eyes.
She is gorgeous, with a gentle, quiet way about her.
She goes back to Cheyanne, who was the mother to our
dear Scully(photo shown below).
Honey is also a great granddaughter of IKC CH
Comeragh Sofiel(Slim), which
makes her a little extra special. I imported him from
County Tipperary.
NKC & EJRTCA registered
Health tested, PLL & SCA CLEAR and EMBARK
tested and clear on EVERYTHING!
She is already very people oriented and smart.
Great color, coat and ear set, she always looks alert
and interested.
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